Page Byte Address Description
64 0 4000
Screen memory
91 0 5B00
The game has loaded
91 215 5BD7
Padding bytes
92 0 5C00
[Stage 1] Horizon graphic
92 240 5CF0
[Stage 1] Per-stage data
93 12 5D0C
[Stage 1] Table of addresses of LODs
93 26 5D1A
[Stage 1] Per-stage difficulty settings
93 29 5D1D
[Stage 1] Per-stage setup data
93 43 5D2B
[Stage 1] Per-stage attract mode data
93 57 5D39
[Stage 1] Nancy's perp description
93 237 5DED
[Stage 1] Arrest messages
94 63 5E3F
[Stage 1] Graphics definitions
94 196 5EC4
[Stage 1] Map: Start stretch
95 210 5FD2
[Stage 1] Map: Left fork
96 136 6088
[Stage 1] Map: Right fork (dirt track)
97 115 6173
[Stage 1] Map: Tunnel section
97 212 61D4
[Stage 1] Map: Loop section
99 138 638A
[Stage 1] Ralph the Idaho Slasher's mugshot
100 62 643E
[Stage 1] LODs
118 54 7636
[Stage 1] Spare space
118 240 76F0
[Graphics] Turbo icons
119 152 7798
[Pre-game] Messages
119 216 77D8
[Pre-game] Drawing commands for the pre-game screen
122 15 7A0F
[Graphics] Smoke and fire graphics
123 233 7BE9
[Graphics] Faces
126 5 7E05
[Graphics] Street lamps etc.
127 141 7F8D
128 0 8000
Game status buffer entry at 8000
128 8 8008
128 20 8014
Load a stage
128 185 80B9
Tape loading
129 221 81DD
[Messages] Start of stage chatter
130 4 8204
Generates engine noise (48K)
130 88 8258
Attract mode
131 124 837C
131 181 83B5
Indirect calls for 48K/128K features
131 205 83CD
Bootstrap / Über main loop
132 1 8401
Main loop
133 42 852A
CPU driver for attract mode
133 140 858C
Pre-game radio screen ("CHASE HQ MONITORING SYSTEM")
133 228 85E4
Reveals the perp's car on the pre-game screen
134 15 860F
Animate the signal meters
134 90 865A
Draw the pre-game screen
134 246 86F6
Routine at 86F6
135 26 871A
Escape scene setup data
135 60 873C
Escape scene
135 220 87DC
Sets up the stage
136 118 8876
User input checking
136 213 88D5
Clears the game screen attributes to zero
136 226 88E2
Clears the game screen attributes and the game screen to zero
136 242 88F2
Starts a sound effect
137 3 8903
Drives sound effects
137 96 8960
Crash sound effect
137 217 89D9
"Thud" sound effect
138 15 8A0F
Cornering sound effect
138 54 8A36
"Bip" or "Bow" sound effect
138 87 8A57
Handle perp caught
140 58 8C3A
Fully smashed
140 88 8C58
End of level messages
141 143 8D8F
Drives transitions (scene fades)
141 249 8DF9
Seems to setup a transition
142 41 8E29
Fills the attribute bytes leftwards from column 1
142 66 8E42
Draw overlay messages
142 108 8E6C
Print a message
142 126 8E7E
Setup overlay messages
142 145 8E91
Copies the mugshots onto the screen when perp is caught
142 183 8EB7
Draws a mugshot
142 231 8EE7
Draw the smash bar
143 95 8F5F
Draws anything that's not the road or the hero car
144 82 9052
Draws overhead graphics.
145 108 916C
Draws stretchy objects, such as trees.
146 77 924D
Draws tunnel lights (and possibly other bitmaps)
146 120 9278
Draws objects (left hand version)
146 225 92E1
Draws objects (right hand version)
148 156 949C
Sprite plotter for back buffer, up to 64px wide, 15px high, no mask, no flip
149 66 9542
Sprite plotter for back buffer, up to 64px wide, 15px high, no mask, flips
150 24 9618
Random number generator
150 46 962E
In-game message variables
150 63 963F
In-game messages
152 169 98A9
In-game chatter structures
153 69 9945
Start chatter
153 101 9965
Runs chatter, mugshots and noise effect
153 236 99EC
Shows the chatter - the alerts and remarks from the game's characters
154 85 9A55
Noise in/out effect used for mugshots
154 171 9AAB
Plots a face
154 236 9AEC
Plot mini font characters
155 167 9BA7
Clear the whole message line
155 207 9BCF
Game timer
156 194 9CC2
Increments score in proportion to current speed
156 214 9CD6
Add a bonus
157 23 9D17
Increments the score by (D,E,A)
157 46 9D2E
Calculate overtake bonus
157 81 9D51
Update scoreboard and flashing lights
157 244 9DF4
Toggle the light's BRIGHT bit (HL -> attrs)
158 17 9E11
Draws the turbo sprites and updates the displayed scores
159 71 9F47
Plots an 8x15 LED font digit
159 153 9F99
Another draw string entry point?
159 180 9FB4
Draws a character (to buffer or screen?)
160 204 A0CC
161 57 A139
Game status buffer entry at A139
162 122 A27A
Font: 8x7 bitmap
163 153 A399
Checks for collisions
165 121 A579
Lays out roadside objects
166 14 A60E
166 35 A623
Hazard template
166 55 A637
Smash/chase handling
167 231 A7E7
Data block at A7E7
167 243 A7F3
Spawns cars
168 156 A89C
Returns the lanes that cars can spawn in
168 205 A8CD
Hazard handler routine? Triggered at road fork
169 85 A955
Chooses random dirt and stones (not tumbleweeds though)
169 126 A97E
Lays out dirt and stones
169 222 A9DE
Dust/Stones stuff
170 56 AA38
Draw the helicopter
170 198 AAC6
Move the helicopter
171 51 AB33
171 154 AB9A
Spawn hazards
172 60 AC3C
Test for collision with hazard
173 13 AD0D
Routine at AD0D spawning/collision related
173 81 AD51
Routine at AD51 hazard related
173 160 ADA0
Draws hazards
176 69 B045
Hero car jump table
176 89 B059
Sub-table (another byte pair)
176 99 B063
Hero car jumps; gear changing; turbos; off road checks; speed adjustment; turning
179 24 B318
Animates the hero car.
180 204 B4CC
Perp sighted
180 240 B4F0
Smash handling
181 73 B549
Draws the debris
181 142 B58E
Draws the car
182 72 B648
Draw the hero car's smoke
182 124 B67C
Likely NOT just drawing the cherry
182 158 B69E
This entry point is used by the routine at animate_hero_car.
182 214 B6D6
This entry point is used by the routines at draw_car and draw_smoke.
183 22 B716
Masked sprite plotter
183 108 B76C
Masked sprite plotter which flips
183 239 B7EF
Masked sprite plotter variant TBD
184 40 B828
Horizon image related
184 72 B848
Scroll the horizon
184 210 B8D2
Horizon stuff / Car jumping stuff
185 244 B9F4
Lays out the road
187 105 BB69
Handle exiting from a road fork
188 62 BC3E
Copies the backbuffer at $F000 to the screen (and sets attributes)
189 193 BDC1
Clears screen then sets in-game attributes
189 251 BDFB
Map reader
192 225 C0E1
Set up the tunnel
193 91 C15B
Tunnel entrance/interior/exit drawing code
194 231 C2E7
Routine at C2E7
196 82 C452
Draws the road
200 190 C8BE
Builds a pre-shifted version of the backdrop horizon image
200 227 C8E3
Forked road plotting
203 164 CBA4
Routine at CBA4
203 197 CBC5
Routine at CBC5
203 206 CBCE
Road drawing - curvature stuff?
205 58 CD3A
Seems to build the height table at $E300 and $E336.
205 214 CDD6
205 236 CDEC
Data block at CDEC
205 244 CDF4
Pointers to car-on-fire LODs
206 0 CE00
Data block at CE00
206 12 CE0C
Smoke tables
206 51 CE33
Used by B4FD - four groups of three words
206 170 CEAA
[Graphics] Debris
206 218 CEDA
Hero car drawing instructions
223 98 DF62
[Graphics] LED style numeric font used for scores
223 248 DFF8
[Graphics] Mini font used for in-game messages
224 178 E0B2
Graphics defns <Byte width, Flags, Height, Ptr, Ptr>
225 233 E1E9
Referenced by graphic entry 1 and 10
226 164 E2A4
Data for perp escape scene
226 198 E2C6
Data for road forks
226 222 E2DE
Data for road fork exits
227 0 E300
Data block at E300
227 32 E320
Data block at E320
227 53 E335
227 54 E336
Data block at E336
227 75 E34B
Horizon values
227 78 E34E
227 79 E34F
Data block at E34F
227 100 E364
Transition masks
227 244 E3F4
228 16 E410
[Graphics] Road edge markings
228 208 E4D0
[Graphics] Road lane markings
229 0 E500
Outward bend table
229 64 E540
Inward bend table
230 0 E600
Road/object animation tables
232 16 E810
Called once the memory map has been setup
232 254 E8FE
"Stop the tape" handler (48K mode only)
233 180 E9B4
235 247 EBF7
Renders strings until it hits a NUL byte
235 255 EBFF
Renders a string
236 44 EC2C
Renders a single character
236 218 ECDA
Clears the screen
236 243 ECF3
Runs the redefine keys screen (48K mode only)
237 77 ED4D
237 109 ED6D
Defines a single key.
237 214 EDD6
Names of keys, two characters per key.
238 38 EE26
Sinclair joystick input scheme
238 43 EE2B
Cursor joystick input scheme
238 48 EE30
Keydefs for "SHOCKED<ENTER>"
238 56 EE38
Temporary keydefs
238 64 EE40
Interrupt setup
238 94 EE5E
Reset music
238 110 EE6E
Setup the next music pattern
238 158 EE9E
Play menu music (48K mode only)
239 25 EF19
Interrupt entry point
239 34 EF22
Drum sample player
240 198 F0C6
White noise generator
240 254 F0FE
Music patterns
241 17 F111
Music data
242 32 F220
128K mode routines and data
242 81 F251
Start the siren sound effect.
242 105 F269
Plays the siren sound effect.
242 157 F29D
Routine at F29D
242 162 F2A2
writing the full register set?
242 182 F2B6
Plays engine effect.
242 241 F2F1
Routine at F2F1
242 250 F2FA
Plays turbo effect, exits via engine effect.
243 46 F32E
Play speech
243 159 F39F
something done in phase 4 when perp is caught (play sample?)
243 182 F3B6
Call a routine in bank 3
243 226 F3E2
Routine at F3E2
244 20 F414
Routine at F414
244 27 F41B
Routine at F41B
244 145 F491
Credits / Score messages show in attract mode
245 190 F5BE
Status panel initial image
253 190 FDBE
Status panel initial attributes
254 190 FEBE