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8E91: Copies the mugshots onto the screen when perp is caught
Used by the routine at transition.
draw_mugshots 8E91 LD HL,($5CF0) Load end address of perp's mugshot bitmap into HL
8E94 LD DE,$FF88 Address of final byte of bitmap (back buffer)
8E97 LD BC,$48A5 Screen position (40,104)
8E9A CALL draw_mugshot Draw
8E9D LD HL,$7DF1 Load end address of Tony's mugshot bitmap into HL
8EA0 LD DE,$FF97 Final byte of bitmap (back buffer)
8EA3 LD BC,$48B4 Screen position (160,104)
8EA6 CALL draw_mugshot Draw
8EA9 LD HL,$7D3D Load end address of Raymond's mugshot bitmap into HL
8EAC LD DE,$FF9C Final byte of bitmap (back buffer)
8EAF LD BC,$48B9 Screen position (200,104)
8EB2 CALL draw_mugshot Draw
8EB5 JR draw_overlay_messages Exit via draw_overlay_messages
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