Chase H.Q. | Routines |
Prev: 88E2 | Up: Map | Next: 8903 |
Used by the routines at main_loop, drive_sfx, tick, check_collisions, smash_handler, hazard_handler_a8cd, hazard_hit, move_hero_car and animate_hero_car.
start_sfx | 88F2 | LD A,($A238) | If current effect's priority is zero then assign | |||||||
88F5 | AND A | |||||||||
88F6 | JR Z,ss_assign | |||||||||
88F8 | CP C | Return if current effect's priority is lower than request | ||||||||
88F9 | RET C | |||||||||
ss_assign | 88FA | LD A,B | Store sfx_index | |||||||
88FB | LD ($A237),A | |||||||||
88FE | LD A,C | Store sfx_priority | ||||||||
88FF | LD ($A238),A | |||||||||
8902 | RET | Return |
Prev: 88E2 | Up: Map | Next: 8903 |