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F0C6: White noise generator
Used by the routine at play_music_48k.
A Duration (3 or 9 in practice)
noise F0C6 LD E,A Set E to duration counter
n_outer_loop F0C7 LD D,$32 Set D to inner counter 50
n_loop F0C9 LD HL,$9618 Point at rng_seed
F0CC INC (HL) Increment first byte of rng_seed by 3
F0CF LD B,(HL) Load it into B
F0D0 INC HL Advance to second byte of rng_seed
Note that this is a different order of operations than in rng/rng.
F0D1 LD A,(HL) Subtract 141 from second byte of rng_seed
F0D2 SUB $8D
F0D4 LD (HL),A
F0D5 ADD A,B Add first and second rng_seed bytes together
F0D6 INC HL Advance to third byte of seed
F0D7 RLCA Rotate A left by 1
F0D8 RRC (HL) Rotate third byte of seed right by 1
F0DA ADD A,(HL) Add it to A
F0DB LD (HL),A Write it back
F0DC AND $10 Take a tap off at bit 4
F0DE JR Z,n_continue Jump to n_continue if zero
n_make_noise F0E0 LD A,$18 Delay for (24 - E) iterations
n_delay_loop_1 F0E4 DJNZ n_delay_loop_1 Delay
F0E6 LD A,$18 Set EAR + MIC bits
F0E8 OUT ($FE),A
F0EA LD B,E Delay for E iterations
n_delay_loop_2 F0EB DJNZ n_delay_loop_2 Delay
F0ED XOR A Clear EAR + MIC bits
n_continue F0F0 DEC D Decrement inner counter
F0F1 JR NZ,n_loop Jump to n_loop if non-zero
This whole interrupt check is redundant since AND A + RET C results in the return never being taken. Should it be RET NZ instead? RET Z messed things up.
F0F3 LD A,($EF14) Read A from 'LD A' @ pm_wait_for_interrupt -- <interrupt flag>
F0F6 AND A Set flags
F0F7 RET C Carry is cleared by AND A so this makes no sense
F0F8 DEC E Decrement duration counter
F0F9 JR NZ,n_outer_loop Jump to n_outer_loop if non-zero
F0FB JP pm_wait_for_interrupt Exit via pm_wait_for_interrupt
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