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B67C: Likely NOT just drawing the cherry
Used by the routine at animate_hero_car.
A ? (seems to always be zero)
B ? (gets compared to turn_speed) e.g. 1
C ? (used wrt flipping) e.g. 2
draw_cherry B67C LD H,A Take the bottom bit of the half rate counter_C (counts 0/1/2/3 then repeats) and add it to A
B67D LD A,($A236)
B680 AND $01
B682 ADD A,H
B683 EX AF,AF' Bank A
B684 LD A,($A250) Jump to draw_cherry_b698 if turn_speed < B
B687 CP B
B688 JR C,draw_cherry_b698
B68A LD A,($A251) Load flip_car
B68D AND A Set flags
B68E LD A,$00 A = 0
B690 JR Z,draw_cherry_no_flip Jump to draw_cherry_no_flip if flip_car is zero
B692 ADD A,C A += C
draw_cherry_no_flip B693 ADD A,C A += C
B694 LD C,A C = A
B695 EX AF,AF' A' += C
B696 ADD A,C
B697 EX AF,AF'
draw_cherry_b698 B698 EX AF,AF'
This entry point is used by the routine at animate_hero_car.
draw_cherry_b699 B699 EXX
B69A LD BC,$0000 BC = 0 -- not self modified
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