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EE9E: Play menu music (48K mode only)
play_music_48k EE9E XOR A Clear <interrupt flag> at pm_wait_for_interrupt
EE9F LD ($EF14),A
EEA2 LD A,$00 Counter, self modified by EEA8 below
EEA4 AND A Set flags
EEA5 JR NZ,pm_delay_1 Jump to pm_delay_1 if non-zero
EEA7 INC A Otherwise increment and self modify EEA2
EEAB JR pm_reset_pattern Jump to pm_reset_pattern
pm_delay_1 EEAD LD A,$00 Self modified by EEBB, cycles 5,4?,3,2,1 (set to first music data byte)
EEAF DEC A Decrement and set flags
EEB0 JP Z,pm_delay_complete Jump to pm_delay_complete if zero
EEB3 LD ($EEAE),A Self modify 'LD A' @ pm_delay_1 above (store decremented)
EEB6 JP pm_zero_or_456 Jump to pm_zero_or_456
pm_delay_complete EEB9 LD A,$00 Self modified by EE8E (set to first music data byte - value for when resetting)
EEBB LD ($EEAE),A Self modify 'LD A' @ pm_delay_1 above (reset it)
EEBE LD HL,$0000 Self modified below, cycles $F12x .. $F2xx ish <addr of next music byte>
Fetch a byte of the form 0bdaaaaiii (d is delay bit, aaaa is argument, iii is instrument index)
pm_loop EEC1 LD A,(HL) Fetch a music byte
EEC2 DEC A Temporarily decrement for testing (will undo later)
EEC3 JP NZ,pm_continue_pattern Jump to pm_continue_pattern if the byte is NOT 1 - the terminating byte of the music data
EEC6 CALL next_pattern Call next_pattern
pm_reset_pattern EEC9 LD HL,$0000 Self modified by EE94 (set to address of second music data byte)
EECC LD ($EEBF),HL *$EEBF = HL (Resetting <addr of next music byte> above when we loop)
EECF JP pm_loop Loop
pm_continue_pattern EED2 INC HL Advance
EED3 LD ($EEBF),HL Update <addr of next music byte> above
EED6 INC A Compensate for earlier decrement
EED7 BIT 7,A Jump if music byte < 128
EED9 JR Z,pm_play_inst
A byte of the form 0b1aaaaiii (1 is delay bit)
EEDB AND $7F Mask off delay bit
EEDE LD A,$01 Self modify 'LD A' @ pm_delay_1 (setting <delay data byte thing> to 1)
EEE3 LD ($EF01),A Self modify 'LD A' @ pm_zero_or_456 below
EEE6 EX AF,AF' Unbank
A byte now of the form 0b0aaaaiii
pm_play_inst EEE7 LD D,A Save a copy of the byte
EEE8 AND $07 Extract bottom 3 instrument bits -- must be the command
EEEA JR Z,pm_zero_or_456 Jump to pm_zero_or_456 if they're zero
EEEC LD B,A Save the instrument
EEED LD A,D Extract the four argument bits
If NOPped this call seems to make the music halt... not firing interrupts?
EEF4 DEC B Jump to playdrum_2 if instrument is 1 -- drum 2
EEF5 JP Z,playdrum_2
EEF8 DEC B Jump to playdrum_1 if instrument is 2 -- drum 1
EEF9 JP Z,playdrum_1
EEFC DEC B Jump to noise if instrument is 3 -- noise
EEFD JP Z,noise
pm_zero_or_456 EF00 LD A,$00 Self modified by EEE3 above, EF09 below (set to <delay data byte thing>)
EF02 AND A Set flags
EF03 JR Z,pm_start_drums Jump to pm_start_drums if zero (no delay)
EF05 LD HL,$EEAE Self modify 'LD A' @ pm_delay_1 (decrementing initial delay counter)
EF09 LD HL,$EF01 Self modify 'LD A' @ pm_zero_or_456 above
pm_start_drums EF0D LD A,$00 Load <drum is playing flag> -- Self modified by EF33
EF0F DEC A Decrement
EF10 JP Z,pd_bank_go Jump to pd_bank_go if zero -- resuming?
This entry point is used by the routines at playdrum_2 and noise.
pm_wait_for_interrupt EF13 LD A,$00 Loop while waiting for this <interrupt flag> to be set
EF16 JR Z,pm_wait_for_interrupt
EF18 RET Return
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