Prev: F2F1 Up: Map Next: F32E
F2FA: Plays turbo effect, exits via engine effect.
play_turbo_sfx_128k F2FA LD A,($A23A) Jump if turbo_sfx_enabled is zero
F2FE JR Z,engine_sfx_from_speed_128k
F300 DEC A Decrement noise pitch
F301 RET Z Return if zero
F302 LD HL,$A219 Address of noise pitch register soft copy
F305 DEC (HL) Decrement in-place
F306 JR Z,ses_1 Jump if zero
F308 LD A,(HL) Increment noise pitch register soft copy by 10
F309 ADD A,$0A
F30C LD H,$00
F30E LD ($A217),HL Set channel C pitch (both fine and coarse)
F311 LD A,($A21A) Set mixer to enable tone C and noise C
F314 AND $1B
F316 LD ($A21A),A
F319 LD A,$0D Set channel C volume to 13
F31B LD ($A21D),A
F31E RET Return
ses_1 F31F LD A,($A21A) Set mixer to disable tone C and noise C
F322 OR $24
F324 LD ($A21A),A
F327 XOR A turbo_sfx_enabled = 0
F328 LD ($A23A),A
F32B JP load_stage_3 Exit via engine_sfx_from_speed_128k
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