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8E7E: Setup overlay messages
Called for TIME UP, CONTINUE, BEST OFFICERS, etc. messages.
HL Address of a message structure, e.g. credits_messages. [One beginning with a frame delay.]
setup_overlay_messages 8E7E LD A,$02 Set transition_control to 2 (show overlay)
This entry point is used by the routine at handle_perp_caught.
setup_overlay_messages_with_A 8E80 LD ($A231),A Set transition_control to A
8E83 LD A,(HL) Modify 'LD A,x' @ 8E49 with frame delay
8E84 LD ($8E4A),A
Set the overlay message structure address.
8E87 INC HL Modify 'LD HL,x' @ draw_overlay_messages to be a (different type) message struct address, e.g. $82CD
8E88 LD ($8E43),HL
8E8B LD A,$01 Modify 'LD B,x' @ 8E45 to be 1
8E8D LD ($8E46),A
8E90 RET Return
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