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F251: Start the siren sound effect.
$8045 once relocated.
start_siren_128k F251 LD A,$8C Store 140 to channel A fine pitch
F253 LD ($A213),A
F256 LD A,$0E Store 14 to channel A volume (4-bit)
F258 LD ($A21B),A
F25B SUB $02 Store 12 to channel B volume
F25D LD ($A21C),A
Set alternating pattern for siren tone.
F260 LD A,$AA Self modify 'LD A,x' @ F271 (in this position) below
F262 LD ($8066),A
F265 LD ($A239),A Enable siren (storing $AA for bool)
F268 RET Return
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