Chase H.Q. | Data |
Prev: 5C00 | Up: Map | Next: 5D0C |
addrof_perp_mugshot_attributes | 5CF0 | DEFW attrs_ralph | Address of Ralph's mugshot attributes | |
addrof_perp_mugshot_bitmap | 5CF2 | DEFW $0000 | Address of Ralph's mugshot bitmap | |
ground_colour | 5CF4 | DEFW $7070 | Screen attributes used for the ground colour (a pair of matching bytes) | |
addrof_hittable_objects | 5CF6 | DEFW hittable_objects_defs | Loaded by AC1F. Address of table of LODs for tumbleweeds, barriers. | |
addrof_right_hand_handlers | 5CF8 | DEFW $5E42 | Loaded by 900F. Address of an array of 7 byte entries. Points 7 bytes earlier to permit 1-indexing. | |
addrof_right_hand_objects | 5CFA | DEFW graphics_defs | Loaded by A465. Address of graphics entry 1. Points 7 bytes earlier to permit 1-indexing. | |
addrof_right_hand_short_pole_object | 5CFC | DEFW right_hand_short_pole_object | Loaded by A53F. Address of graphics entry 3. | |
addrof_left_hand_handlers | 5CFE | DEFW $5E81 | Address of turn sign arg and handler address. Points 7 bytes earlier to permit 1-indexing. | |
addrof_left_hand_objects | 5D00 | DEFW $5E7E | Loaded by A490. Address of graphics entry 10. Points 7 bytes earlier to permit 1-indexing. | |
addrof_left_hand_short_pole_object | 5D02 | DEFW left_hand_short_pole_object | Loaded by cc_a55c. Address of graphics entry 12. | |
addrof_perp_description | 5D04 | DEFW perp_description | Address of Nancy's perp description. | |
addrof_arrest_messages | 5D06 | DEFW arrest_messages | Address of arrest messages. | |
addrof_helicopter_stuff_1 | 5D08 | DEFW $0000 | Loaded by AA69. Helicopter related. | |
addrof_helicopter_stuff_2 | 5D0A | DEFW $000C | Loaded by AA6E. Helicopter related. |
Prev: 5C00 | Up: Map | Next: 5D0C |