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A637: Smash/chase handling
This gets called whenever the perp is within sight of the hero car.
smash_handler A637 LD A,($A230) Return if perp_caught_phase > 0
A63C LD A,($A22E) Call perp_sighted if sighted_flag is zero
A640 CALL Z,perp_sighted
A643 LD A,(IX+$07) A = IX[7]
A646 AND A Set flags
A647 JR Z,sh_a650 Jump if zero
A649 JP P,sh_a78a Jump if positive
Otherwise A is negative.
A64C INC (IX+$07) IX[7]++
A64F RET NZ Return if non-zero
A must be zero to arrive here.
sh_a650 A650 PUSH IY Preserve IY
A652 LD C,(IX+$01) C = IX[1]
A655 LD B,$05 5 iterations
A657 LD IY,$A19C IY = &hazards[1]
A65B LD DE,$0014 DE = 20 -- stride of hazards
sh_hazards_loop A65E RLC (IY+$00) If the hazard is active then jump to sh_a66c
A662 JR C,sh_a66c
sh_a664 A664 ADD IY,DE Move to next hazard
A666 DJNZ sh_hazards_loop Loop while B
A668 POP IY Restore IY
A66A JR sh_a68f Jump to sh_a68f
sh_a66c A66C LD A,(IY+$0F) A = IY[15]
A66F RLA Check top bit
A670 JP NC,sh_a664 Jump if clear
A673 LD A,(IY+$01) A = IY[1] - C
A676 SUB C
A677 JP NC,sh_a67e Jump to sh_a67e if IY[1] > c
A67A ADD A,$02 A += 2
A67C JR sh_a680 Jump to sh_a680
sh_a67e A67E SUB $03 A -= 3
sh_a680 A680 JR NC,sh_a664
A682 LD A,(IY+$11) A = IY[17]
A685 CP (IX+$12) Compare to IX[18]
A688 JP NZ,sh_a664
A68B POP IY Restore IY $A650 pushed
A68D JR sh_a6d8 Jump to sh_a6d8
sh_a68f A68F LD A,$00 A = <self modified>
A691 AND A Jump if non-zero
A692 JR NZ,sh_a6f6
A694 LD A,(IX+$01) A = IX[1]
A697 CP $07 Jump if A >= 7
A699 JR NC,sh_a6f6
I'm failing to understand what the following section does. It's a countdown that, when it hits zero, picks a new random countdown value summed with smash_5d1b. I can only think that it's a delay loop.
In-place decrementing counter.
A69B LD A,$14 A = <self modified> - 1 -- Self modified below
A69E JR NZ,sh_update_counter Jump to sh_update_counter if non-zero
When it hits zero we pick a random number...
A6A0 INC C [C incremented but overwritten in a moment - no effect?]
A6A1 CALL rng C = rng() & 31
A6A4 AND $1F
This gets hit at some point during the smash process.
A6A7 LD A,($5D1B) A = smash_5d1b + C
sh_update_counter A6AB LD ($A69C),A Self modify 'LD A,x' at A69B (above) to load A
This smells like it's detecting position and turning that into lanes. The values are like those used by get_spawn_lanes.
A6AE LD HL,($A26C) HL = road_pos - 164
A6B1 LD DE,$00A4
A6B6 LD BC,$0404 BC = $0404
A6B9 JR C,sh_a6cf Jump to sh_a6cf if HL < 164
A6BB LD E,$46 DE = $0046
A6BD DEC B BC = $0304
A6BE SBC HL,DE HL -= DE -- includes previous
A6C0 JR C,sh_a6cf Jump to sh_a6cf if HL < 70
A6C2 DEC B BC = $0203
A6C4 SBC HL,DE HL -= DE -- includes previous
A6C6 JR C,sh_a6cf Jump to sh_a6cf if HL < 70
A6C8 DEC B BC = $0102
A6CA SBC HL,DE HL -= DE -- includes previous
A6CC JR C,sh_a6cf Jump to sh_a6cf if HL < 70
A6CE DEC C BC = $0101
sh_a6cf A6CF LD A,(IX+$12) A = IX[18]
A6D2 CP C Jump to sh_a6d8 if A == C
A6D3 JR Z,sh_a6d8
A6D5 CP B Jump to sh_a6f6 if A == B
A6D6 JR NZ,sh_a6f6
sh_a6d8 A6D8 LD C,(IX+$12) C = IX[18]
A6DB CALL rng Call rng
A6DF AND A Jump if C positive
A6E0 JP P,sh_a6e5
A6E3 DEC C C -= 2
sh_a6e5 A6E5 LD A,C A = C
A6E6 AND A Set flags
A6E7 LD C,$02 C = 2
A6E9 JP Z,sh_a6f2 Jump if A is zero
A6EC CP $05 Jump if A < 5
A6EE JR C,sh_a6f3
A6F0 LD C,$FE C = $FE
sh_a6f2 A6F2 ADD A,C A += C
sh_a6f3 A6F3 LD (IX+$12),A IX[18] = A
sh_a6f6 A6F6 LD C,(IX+$01) C = IX[1]
A6F9 CALL get_spawn_lanes Call get_spawn_lanes
A6FC LD A,(IX+$12) A = IX[18]
A6FF CP B Jump to sh_a707 if A >= B -- upper boundary?
A700 JR NC,sh_a707
A702 ADD A,$02 A += 2
A704 LD (IX+$12),A IX[18] = A
sh_a707 A707 CP C Jump to sh_a711 if A <= C -- lower boundary?
A708 JR Z,sh_a711
A70A JR C,sh_a711
A70C SUB $02 A -= 2
A70E LD (IX+$12),A IX[18] = A
sh_a711 A711 LD A,(IX+$12) A = IX[18]
A714 LD HL,$A7E6 HL = $A7E6 -> table_a7e7 data block
A717 ADD A,L L += A
A718 LD L,A
A719 LD A,(IX+$05) A = IX[5]
A71C CP (HL) A == *HL ?
A71D LD C,$01 C = 1
A71F JR Z,sh_a735 Jump if A == *HL
A721 JR C,sh_a72e Jump if A < *HL
A723 SUB $0A A -= 10
A725 JR C,sh_a72a Jump if A was < 10
A727 CP (HL) A == *HL ?
A728 JR NC,sh_a737 Jump if A >= *HL
sh_a72a A72A DEC C C--
A72B LD A,(HL) A = *HL
A72C JR sh_a737 Jump sh_a737
sh_a72e A72E ADD A,$0A A += 10
A730 JR C,sh_a735 Jump if A+10 carried
A732 CP (HL) A == *HL ?
A733 JR C,sh_a737 Jump if A < *HL
sh_a735 A735 DEC C C--
A736 LD A,(HL) A = *HL
sh_a737 A737 LD (IX+$05),A IX[5] = A
A73A LD A,C Self modify 'LD A' @ sh_a68f to load C
A73B LD ($A690),A
A73E LD A,$00 A = <self modified>
A740 AND A Set flags
A741 LD DE,$001E DE = $1E
A744 LD HL,$00E6 HL = $E6
A747 JR NZ,sh_a762 Jump sh_a762 if non-zero
Countdown+rng stuff again... as at A69B
In-place decrementing counter.
A749 LD A,$14 A = <self modified> - 1 -- Self modified below
A74C LD ($A74A),A Self modify 'LD A,x' @ A749 (above) to load A
A74F JR NZ,sh_a776 Jump to sh_a776 if non-zero
When it hits zero we pick a random number...
A751 PUSH HL Preserve HL [what's in it?]
A752 CALL rng Call rng
A755 POP HL Restore HL
A756 AND $0F C = (result of rng) & 15
A758 LD C,A
A759 LD A,($5D1C) A = smash_5d1c + C
A75D LD ($A74A),A Self modify 'LD A,x' @ A749 (above) to load A
A760 LD A,$0A A = 10
sh_a762 A762 DEC A A--
A763 LD ($A73F),A Self modify 'LD A,x' @ A73E (above) to load A
A766 JR Z,sh_a776 Jump to sh_a776 if zero
sampled IX = $A188 (hazards)
A768 LD A,(IX+$01) A = IX[1] -- load hazard_1 distance byte
A76B CP $0D Jump if A >= 13 -- too far
A76D JR NC,sh_a776
Distance to perp is 12 or less.
HL += (15 - A) * DE
This seems to be using the distance to the perp as a scale by which to adjust its horizontal position.
A76F CPL B = (15 - A) -- iterations
A770 ADD A,$0E
A772 LD B,A
sh_a773_loop A773 ADD HL,DE HL += DE
A774 DJNZ sh_a773_loop Loop to loop_a773 while B > 0
sh_a776 A776 LD A,(IX+$01) A = IX[1] - 6 -- load hazard_1 distance byte again
A779 SUB $06
A77B JR NC,sh_store_exit Jump to sh_store_exit if A >= 6
Distance to perp is 5 or less.
A77D ADD A,$05 Put back most of what we just subtracted
A77F ADD A,A Multiply by 8
A780 ADD A,A
A781 ADD A,A
And then we do nothing with A?
sh_store_exit A783 LD (IX+$0D),L wordat(IX + 13) = HL -- store horizontal position (or accel?)
A786 LD (IX+$0E),H
A789 RET Return
sh_a78a A78A LD (IX+$07),$FC IX[7] = $FC
A78E CP $03 Jump if A < 3 -- preserve A
A791 JR C,sh_check_boost
A793 SUB $03 A -= 3 -- 0..
sh_check_boost A795 EX AF,AF' Bank
A796 LD A,($A24E) Load turbo boost time remaining (60..0)
A799 AND A Set flags
A79A LD A,$C8 200 when not turbo boosting
A79C JR Z,sh_a7a0 Jump if no turbo boost
A79E LD A,$E6 230 when turbo boosting
sh_a7a0 A7A0 EX AF,AF' Bank value chosen from boost; Unbank other
A7A1 CALL cc_hit_scenery2 Call cc_hit_scenery2
A7A4 LD HL,($B32F) Read HL from 'LD BC,x' @ B32E
A7A7 LD DE,$0028 HL += 40
A7AB LD ($B32F),HL Self modify 'LD BC,x' @ B32E
A7AE LD D,$00 D = 0 -- bonus middle digit
A7B0 POP AF -- restore A which holds the IX[7] flags from earlier AND FLAGS TOO
A7B1 LD HL,$B4F0 Put a call to smash on the stack
A7B5 JR NC,sh_a7be Jump if no carry
A7B7 CP $02 Jump if A == 2
A7B9 JR Z,sh_a7be
A7BB PUSH HL Put another call to smash on the stack
A7BC LD D,$04 D = 4 -- bonus middle digit
sh_a7be A7BE LD A,($8007) D = wanted_stage_number + D (D could be 0 or 4)
A7C3 LD E,$00 E = 0 -- bonus top digit(s)
A7C5 LD A,($8006) Jump if retry_count is zero
A7C9 JR Z,sh_retry_was_zero
A7CB LD A,D Middle digit(s) of bonus
A7CC LD D,E Set top two digits of bonus
A7CD RLCA Move middle digit into position
A7D1 LD E,A Set middle digits of bonus
sh_retry_was_zero A7D2 XOR A Clear low digits of bonus
A7D3 CALL bonus Call bonus
A7D6 LD A,$05 A = 5
A7D8 LD ($A73F),A Self modify 'LD A' @ A73E to load A
A7DB LD HL,$98D6 Point HL at smash_chatter ("BEAR DOWN" / "OH MAN" / etc.)
A7DE CALL start_chatter Call start_chatter (priority 5)
A7E1 LD BC,$0301 Effect 3 (car crash), Priority 1
A7E4 JP start_sfx Exit via start_sfx
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