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F163: Main
This is where the game starts.
Used by the routine at jump_to_main.
main F163 DI Disable interrupts
Q: Why is the stack pointer set to $FFFE here when squash_stack_goto_main sets it to $FFFF?
F164 LD SP,$FFFE Point the stack pointer at the end of RAM
Clear the screen.
F167 CALL wipe_full_screen_and_attributes Clear the full screen and attributes and set the screen border to black
Set the morale flag to green.
F16A LD A,$44 Set A to attribute_BRIGHT_GREEN_OVER_BLACK
F16C CALL set_morale_flag_screen_attributes Set the screen attributes of the morale flag
Draw everything else.
Bug: This passes in index $44 to set_menu_item_attributes in A, but it ought to be zero.
F16F LD E,$46 Set E to attribute_BRIGHT_YELLOW_OVER_BLACK
F171 CALL set_menu_item_attributes Set the screen attributes of the specified menu item
F174 CALL plot_statics_and_menu_text Plot all static graphics and menu text
F177 CALL plot_score Draw the current score to screen
Run the menu screen.
We'll be in here for some time until the user selects their input method. When we return we'll continue setting up the things required for the game, then jump into the main loop.
F17A CALL menu_screen Runs the menu screen
Construct a table of 256 bit-reversed bytes at $7F00.
F17D LD HL,$7F00 Point HL at $7F00
Start loop
main_0 F180 LD A,L Shuffle
F181 LD C,$00 Zero C (Commentary: Could have used XOR C)
Reverse a byte
F183 LD B,$08 Set B for eight iterations
Start loop
main_1 F185 RRA Shift out lowest bit from A into carry
F186 RL C Shift carry into C
F188 DJNZ main_1 ...loop until the byte is completed
F18A LD (HL),C Store the reversed byte
F18C JP NZ,main_0 ...loop until L becomes zero
F18F INC H Advance HL to $8000
Initialise visible characters (HL is $8000).
F190 LD DE,$F1C9 Point DE at vischar_initial
F193 LD B,$08 Set B for eight iterations
Start loop
main_2 F195 PUSH BC Preserve loop counter
F196 PUSH DE Preserve vischar_initial
F197 PUSH HL Preserve vischar pointer
F198 LD BC,$0017 Populate the vischar slot with vischar_initial's data
F19E POP HL Restore vischar pointer
F19F LD A,$20 Advance HL to the next vischar (assumes no overflow)
F1A3 POP DE Restore vischar_initial
F1A4 POP BC ...loop until the vischars are populated
F1A5 DJNZ main_2
Write $FF $FF at $8020 and every 32 bytes after. (Commentary: It could be easier to do the inverse and clear those bytes at $8000).
F1A7 LD B,$07 Set B for seven iterations
Iterate over non-player visible characters.
F1A9 LD HL,$8020 Start at the second visible character
F1AC LD DE,$001F Prepare the vischar stride, minus a byte
F1AF LD A,$FF Prepare the index / flags initialiser
Start loop
main_3 F1B1 LD (HL),A Set the vischar's character index to $FF
F1B2 INC L Advance HL to the flags field
F1B3 LD (HL),A Set the vischar's flags to $FF
F1B4 ADD HL,DE Advance the vischar pointer
F1B5 DJNZ main_3 ...loop until the vischar flags are set
Zero $118 bytes at HL ($8100 is mask_buffer) onwards.
This wipes everything up until the start of tiles ($8218).
F1B7 LD BC,$0118 Set B to $118
Start loop
main_4 F1BA LD (HL),$00 Zero and advance
F1BD DEC BC ...loop until cleared
F1C0 JP NZ,main_4
F1C3 CALL reset_game Reset the game
F1C6 JP main_loop_setup Jump to main_loop_setup
Initial state of a visible character.
vischar_initial F1C9 DEFB $00 character
F1CA DEFB $00 flags
F1CB DEFW $012C route
F1CD DEFB $2E,$2E,$18 target
F1D0 DEFB $00 counter_and_flags
F1D1 DEFW animations animbase
F1D3 DEFW anim_wait_tl anim
F1D5 DEFB $00 animindex
F1D6 DEFB $00 input
F1D7 DEFB $00 direction
F1D8 DEFW $0000,$0000,$0018 mi.pos
F1DE DEFW sprite_prisoner mi.sprite
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