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F4B7: Menu screen
This runs the main menu. It waits for user to select an input device while waving the morale flag and playing the title tune.
Used by the routine at main.
Start loop (infinite)
menu_screen F4B7 CALL check_menu_keys Handle menu screen keys. When the user starts the game this call will cease to return.
F4BA CALL wave_morale_flag Wave the morale flag (on every other turn)
Play music.
F4BD LD HL,($F541) Fetch and increment the music channel 0 index
Start loop (infinite)
ms_loop0 F4C1 LD ($F541),HL Save the music channel 0 index
F4C4 LD DE,$F546 Point DE at music_channel0_data
F4C7 ADD HL,DE Add the index
F4C8 LD A,(HL) Fetch a semitone
F4C9 CP $FF Was it the end of song marker? ($FF)
F4CB JR NZ,ms_break0 Jump if not
F4CD LD HL,$0000 Otherwise zero the index and start over
F4D0 JR ms_loop0
ms_break0 F4D2 CALL frequency_for_semitone Get frequency for semitone
F4D5 EXX Bank the channel 0 parameters
F4D6 LD HL,($F543) Fetch and increment the music channel 1 index
Start loop (infinite)
ms_loop1 F4DA LD ($F543),HL Save the music channel 1 index
F4DD LD DE,$F7C7 Point DE at music_channel1_data
F4E0 ADD HL,DE Add the index
F4E1 LD A,(HL) Fetch a semitone
F4E2 CP $FF Was it the end of song marker? ($FF)
F4E4 JR NZ,ms_break1 Jump if not
F4E6 LD HL,$0000 Otherwise zero the index and start over
F4E9 JR ms_loop1
ms_break1 F4EB CALL frequency_for_semitone Get frequency for semitone
When the second channel is silent use the first channel's frequency.
F4EE LD A,B Get the second channel's frequency low byte (note B is low here due to endian swap)
F4EF EXX Unbank the channel 0 parameters
F4F0 PUSH BC Save channel 0's frequency
F4F1 CP $FF Is channel 1's frequency $xxFF?
F4F3 JR NZ,menu_screen_0 Jump if not
F4F5 EXX Otherwise swap banks to channel 1's registers
F4F6 POP BC Copy channel 0's frequency to channel 1
F4F9 EXX Bank again
F4FA JR menu_screen_1 Jump
menu_screen_0 F4FC POP BC Discard saved frequency
Iterate 6,120 times (24 * 255)
menu_screen_1 F4FD LD A,$18 Set major tune speed (a delay: lower means faster)
Start loop (major)
menu_screen_2 F4FF EX AF,AF' Bank the major counter
F500 LD H,$FF Set minor tune speed (a delay: lower means faster)
Start loop (minor)
Play channel 0's part
menu_screen_3 F502 DJNZ menu_screen_4 Decrement B (low). Jump over next block unless zero
F504 DEC C Decrement C (high)
F505 JP NZ,menu_screen_4 Jump over next block unless zero
Countdown hit zero
F508 LD A,L Toggle the speaker bit (L is zeroed by frequency_for_semitone)
F509 XOR $10
F50C OUT ($FE),A
F50E LD C,E Reset counter
menu_screen_4 F510 EXX Swap to registers for channel 1
Play channel 1's part
F511 DJNZ menu_screen_5 Decrement B (low). Jump over next block unless zero
F513 DEC C Decrement C (high)
F514 JP NZ,menu_screen_5 Jump over next block unless zero
Countdown hit zero
F517 LD A,L Toggle the speaker bit (L is zeroed by frequency_for_semitone)
F518 XOR $10
F51B OUT ($FE),A
F51D LD C,E Reset counter
menu_screen_5 F51F EXX Swap to registers for channel 0
F520 DEC H ...loop (minor tune speed) / 255 iterations
F521 JP NZ,menu_screen_3
F524 EX AF,AF' Unbank the major counter
F525 DEC A ...loop (major tune speed) / 24 iterations
F526 JP NZ,menu_screen_2
F529 JP menu_screen ...loop (infinite)
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