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A10B: Plot score
This draws the current score to the screen.
Used by the routines at reset_game and main.
plot_score A10B LD HL,$A132 Point HL at the first of the score digits
A10E LD DE,$5094 Point DE at the screen address of the score
A111 LD B,$05 Plot five digits
Start loop
plot_score_0 A113 PUSH BC Save BC
A114 CALL plot_glyph Plot a single glyph pointed to by HL at DE
A117 INC HL Move to the next score digit
A118 INC DE Move to the next character position (in addition to plot_glyph's increment)
A119 POP BC Restore BC
A11A DJNZ plot_score_0 ...loop until all digits plotted
A11C RET Return
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