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F1E0: Plot statics and menu text
This plots all static graphics and menu text.
Used by the routine at main.
plot_statics_and_menu_text F1E0 LD HL,$F076 Point HL at static_graphic_defs
F1E3 LD B,$12 Set B for 18 iterations
Start loop
plot_statics_and_menu_text_0 F1E5 PUSH BC Preserve the loop counter
F1E6 LD E,(HL) Read the target screen address
F1E8 LD D,(HL)
F1EA BIT 7,(HL) Is the statictiles_VERTICAL flag set?
F1EC JR Z,plot_statics_and_menu_text_1 Jump if not
F1EE CALL plot_static_tiles_vertical Plot static tiles vertically
F1F1 JR plot_statics_and_menu_text_2 (else)
plot_statics_and_menu_text_1 F1F3 CALL plot_static_tiles_horizontal Plot static tiles horizontally
plot_statics_and_menu_text_2 F1F6 POP BC Restore the loop counter
F1F7 DJNZ plot_statics_and_menu_text_0 ...loop
Plot menu text.
F1F9 LD B,$08 Set B for 8 iterations
F1FB LD HL,$F446 Point HL at key_choice_screenlocstrings
Start loop
plot_statics_and_menu_text_3 F1FE PUSH BC Preserve the loop counter
F1FF CALL screenlocstring_plot Plot a single glyph (indirectly)
F202 POP BC Restore the loop counter
F203 DJNZ plot_statics_and_menu_text_3 ...loop
F205 RET Return
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