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6BAD: Rooms and tunnels
This is an array of pointers to room and tunnel definitions.
Room definition format:
Byte Meaning
<rd> Room dimensions - indirect via roomdef_dimensions
<nb> Number of boundaries in the room (rectangles where characters can't walk)
Followed by an array of those boundaries:
<x0> <y0> <x1> <y1> A boundary
<nm> Number of mask indices used in the room (indexes interior_mask_data_source)
Followed by an array of those mask bytes:
<mb> Mask byte
<no> Number of objects in the room
Followed by an array of those objects:
<io> <x> <y> Interior object ref, x, y
Note: The first entry is room 1, not room 0.
rooms_and_tunnels 6BAD DEFW roomdef_1_hut1_right Room 1
6BAF DEFW roomdef_2_hut2_left
6BB1 DEFW roomdef_3_hut2_right
6BB3 DEFW roomdef_4_hut3_left
6BB5 DEFW roomdef_5_hut3_right
6BB7 DEFW roomdef_8_corridor Room 6 is unused
6BB9 DEFW roomdef_7_corridor
6BBB DEFW roomdef_8_corridor
6BBD DEFW roomdef_9_crate
6BBF DEFW roomdef_10_lockpick
6BC1 DEFW roomdef_11_papers
6BC3 DEFW roomdef_12_corridor
6BC5 DEFW roomdef_13_corridor
6BC7 DEFW roomdef_14_torch
6BC9 DEFW roomdef_15_uniform
6BCB DEFW roomdef_16_corridor
6BCD DEFW roomdef_7_corridor Room 17 uses the same definition as room 7
6BCF DEFW roomdef_18_radio
6BD1 DEFW roomdef_19_food
6BD3 DEFW roomdef_20_redcross
6BD5 DEFW roomdef_16_corridor Room 21 uses the same definition as room 16
6BD7 DEFW roomdef_22_red_key
6BD9 DEFW roomdef_23_breakfast
6BDB DEFW roomdef_24_solitary
6BDD DEFW roomdef_25_breakfast
6BDF DEFW roomdef_28_hut1_left Room 26 is unused
6BE1 DEFW roomdef_28_hut1_left Room 27 is unused
6BE3 DEFW roomdef_28_hut1_left
Array of pointers to tunnels.
6BE5 DEFW roomdef_29_second_tunnel_start
6BE7 DEFW roomdef_30
6BE9 DEFW roomdef_31
6BEB DEFW roomdef_32
6BED DEFW roomdef_29_second_tunnel_start Room 33 uses the same definition as room 29
6BEF DEFW roomdef_34
6BF1 DEFW roomdef_35
6BF3 DEFW roomdef_36
6BF5 DEFW roomdef_34 Room 37 uses the same definition as room 34
6BF7 DEFW roomdef_35 Room 38 uses the same definition as room 35
6BF9 DEFW roomdef_32 Room 39 uses the same definition as room 32
6BFB DEFW roomdef_40
6BFD DEFW roomdef_30 Room 41 uses the same definition as room 30
6BFF DEFW roomdef_32 Room 42 uses the same definition as room 32
6C01 DEFW roomdef_29_second_tunnel_start Room 43 uses the same definition as room 29
6C03 DEFW roomdef_44
6C05 DEFW roomdef_36 Room 45 uses the same definition as room 36
6C07 DEFW roomdef_36 Room 46 uses the same definition as room 36
6C09 DEFW roomdef_32 Room 47 uses the same definition as room 32
6C0B DEFW roomdef_34 Room 48 uses the same definition as room 34
6C0D DEFW roomdef_36 Room 49 uses the same definition as room 36
6C0F DEFW roomdef_50_blocked_tunnel
6C11 DEFW roomdef_32 Room 51 uses the same definition as room 32
6C13 DEFW roomdef_40 Room 52 uses the same definition as room 40
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