Prev: 705D Up: Map Next: 7095
7075: Room 50: Blocked tunnel
roomdef_50_blocked_tunnel 7075 DEFB $05 5 -- Room dimensions index
7076 DEFB $01 1 -- Number of boundaries
roomdef_50_blocked_tunnel_boundary 7077 DEFB $34,$3A,$20,$36 { 52, 58, 32, 54 } -- Boundary
707B DEFB $06 6 -- Number of mask bytes
707C DEFB $1E,$1F,$20,$21,$22,$2B [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43] -- Mask bytes
7082 DEFB $06 6 -- Number of objects
7083 DEFB $07,$14,$00 { interiorobject_TUNNEL_CORNER_7, 20, 0 }
7086 DEFB $00,$10,$02 { interiorobject_TUNNEL_SW_NE, 16, 2 }
7089 DEFB $00,$0C,$04 { interiorobject_TUNNEL_SW_NE, 12, 4 }
roomdef_50_blocked_tunnel_collapsed_tunnel 708C DEFB $14,$08,$06 { interiorobject_COLLAPSED_TUNNEL_SW_NE, 8, 6 }
708F DEFB $00,$04,$08 { interiorobject_TUNNEL_SW_NE, 4, 8 }
7092 DEFB $00,$00,$0A { interiorobject_TUNNEL_SW_NE, 0, 10 }
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