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6939: Set-up movable items
"Movable items" are the stove and crate objects which appear in three rooms in the game. Unlike ordinary items such as keys and the radio the movable items can be pushed around (on one axis) by the hero character walking into them. Internally they use the second visible character slot.
Used by the routines at enter_room and reset_outdoors.
setup_movable_items 6939 CALL reset_nonplayer_visible_characters Reset all non-player visible characters
693C LD A,($68A0) Get the global current room index
693F CP $02 If current room index is room_2_HUT2LEFT then jump to setup_stove1
6941 JP NZ,setup_movable_items_0
6944 CALL setup_stove1
6947 JR setup_movable_items_2
setup_movable_items_0 6949 CP $04 If current room index is room_4_HUT3LEFT then jump to setup_stove2
694B JP NZ,setup_movable_items_1
694E CALL setup_stove2
6951 JR setup_movable_items_2
setup_movable_items_1 6953 CP $09 If current room index is room_9_CRATE then jump to setup_crate
6955 JP NZ,setup_movable_items_2
6958 CALL setup_crate
setup_movable_items_2 695B CALL spawn_characters Spawn characters
695E CALL mark_nearby_items Mark nearby items
6961 CALL animate Animate all visible characters
6964 CALL move_map Move the map
6967 JP plot_sprites Plot vischars and items
setup_crate 696A LD HL,$69B7 Point HL at movable_item_crate
696D LD A,$1C Set A to character index character_28_CRATE
696F JR setup_movable_item Jump to setup_movable_item
setup_stove2 6971 LD HL,$69C0 Point HL at movable_item_stove2
6974 LD A,$1B Set A to character index character_27_STOVE_2
6976 JR setup_movable_item Jump to setup_movable_item
setup_stove1 6978 LD HL,$69AE Point HL at movable_item_stove1
697B LD A,$1A Set A to character index character_26_STOVE_1
Using the movable item specific data and a generic item reset data, setup the second visible character as a movable item.
setup_movable_item 697D LD ($8020),A Assign the character index in A to the second visible character's character field
6980 LD BC,$0009 Copy nine bytes of item-specific movable item data over the second visible character data
6983 LD DE,$802F
6986 LDIR
6988 LD HL,$69A0 Copy fourteen bytes of visible character data over the vischar
698B LD DE,$8021
698E LD BC,$000E
6991 LDIR
6993 LD A,($68A0) Set the visible character's room index to the global current room index
6996 LD ($803C),A
6999 LD HL,$8020 Point HL at the second visible character
699C CALL calc_vischar_iso_pos_from_vischar Set saved_pos
699F RET Return
Fourteen bytes of visible character reset data.
movable_item_reset_data 69A0 DEFB $00 Flags
69A1 DEFW $0000 Route
69A3 DEFB $00,$00,$00 Position
69A6 DEFB $00 Counter and flags
69A7 DEFW animations Animation base = &animations[0]
69A9 DEFW anim_wait_tl Animation = animations[8] // anim_wait_tl animation
69AB DEFB $00 Animation index
69AC DEFB $00 Input
69AD DEFB $00 Direction
Movable items. struct movable_item { word x_coord, y_coord, height; const sprite *; byte index; };
Sub-struct of vischar ($802F..$8038).
movable_item_stove1 69AE DEFW $003E,$0023,$0010 Position (62, 35, 16)
69B4 DEFW sprite_stove Sprite: sprite_stove
69B6 DEFB $00 Index: 0
movable_item_crate 69B7 DEFW $0037,$0036,$000E Position (55, 54, 14)
69BD DEFW sprite_crate Sprite: sprite_crate
69BF DEFB $00 Index: 0
movable_item_stove2 69C0 DEFW $003E,$0023,$0010 Position (62, 35, 16)
69C6 DEFW sprite_stove Sprite: sprite_stove
69C8 DEFB $00 Index: 0
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