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F271: Check menu keys
This scans for a keypress. It will either start the game, select an input device or do nothing. If an input device is chosen, update the menu highlight to match and record which input device was chosen.
Used by the routine at menu_screen.
If the game is started then copy the required input routine to $F075. If the chosen input device is the keyboard, then exit via choose_keys.
check_menu_keys F271 CALL menu_keyscan Scan for keys that select an input device. Result is in A
F274 CP $FF Nothing selected?
F276 RET Z Return if so
F277 AND A Start game (zero) pressed?
F278 JR Z,cmk_cpy_rout Jump if so
F27A DEC A Turn 1..4 into 0..3
Clear old selection.
F27B PUSH AF Preserve index
F27C LD A,($F445) Load previously chosen input device index
F27F LD E,$07 Set E to attribute_WHITE_OVER_BLACK
F281 CALL set_menu_item_attributes Set the screen attributes of the specified menu item
F284 POP AF Restore index
Highlight new selection.
F285 LD ($F445),A Set chosen input device index
F288 LD E,$46 Set E to attribute_BRIGHT_YELLOW_OVER_BLACK
F28A CALL set_menu_item_attributes Set the screen attributes of the specified menu item
F28D RET Return
Zero pressed to start game.
Copy the input routine to $F075, choose keys if keyboard was chosen, then return to main.
cmk_cpy_rout F28E LD A,($F445) Load chosen input device index
F291 ADD A,A Double it
This is tricky. A' is left with the low byte of the inputroutine address. In the case of the keyboard, it's zero. choose_keys relies on that in a non-obvious way. [DPT: Check this comment]
F292 LD C,A Widen to BC
F293 LD B,$00
F295 EX AF,AF' Preserve index
F296 LD HL,$F43D Point HL at the list of available input routines
F299 ADD HL,BC Combine
F29A LD A,(HL) Fetch input routine address into HL
F29C LD H,(HL)
F29E LD DE,$F075 Set the destination address
F2A1 LD BC,$004A Worst-case length of an input routine
F2A4 LDIR Copy
F2A6 EX AF,AF' Restore index
F2A7 AND A Was the keyboard chosen?
F2A8 CALL Z,choose_keys Call choose keys if so
F2AB POP BC Discard the previous return address and resume at F17D
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