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7AC9: Process player input - fire
This checks for the input events triggered by the fire button: 'pick up', 'drop' and 'use'.
Used by the routine at process_player_input.
A Input event (type: input_t).
process_player_input_fire 7AC9 CP $0A Is the input event fire + up?
7ACB JP NZ,process_player_input_fire_0 Test for the next input event if not
7ACE CALL pick_up_item Call pick_up_item if so
7AD1 JR check_for_pick_up_keypress_exit Then return
process_player_input_fire_0 7AD3 CP $0B Is the input event fire + down?
7AD5 JP NZ,process_player_input_fire_1 Test for the next input event if not
7AD8 CALL drop_item Call drop_item if so
7ADB JR check_for_pick_up_keypress_exit Then return
process_player_input_fire_1 7ADD CP $0C Is the input event fire + left?
7ADF JP NZ,process_player_input_fire_2 Test for the next input event if not
7AE2 CALL use_item_A Call use_item_A if so
7AE5 JR check_for_pick_up_keypress_exit Then return
process_player_input_fire_2 7AE7 CP $0F Is the input event fire + right?
7AE9 JP NZ,check_for_pick_up_keypress_exit Test for the next input event if not
7AEC CALL use_item_B Call use_item_B if so
check_for_pick_up_keypress_exit 7AEF RET Return
Use item 'B'.
use_item_B 7AF0 LD A,($8216) Fetch the second held item
7AF3 JR use_item_common Jump over item 'A' case
Use item 'A'.
use_item_A 7AF5 LD A,($8215) Fetch the first held item
Use item common.
use_item_common 7AF8 CP $FF Is the item in A item_NONE? ($FF)
7AFA RET Z Return if so
7AFB JR process_player_input_fire_3 Bug: Pointless jump to adjacent instruction
process_player_input_fire_3 7AFD ADD A,A Point HL at the A'th entry of item_actions_jump_table
7AFF LD B,$00
7B01 LD HL,$7B16
7B05 LD A,(HL) Fetch the jump table destination address
7B07 LD H,(HL)
7B08 LD L,A
7B09 PUSH HL Stack the jump table destination address
7B0A LD DE,$81A4 Copy X,Y and height from the hero's position into saved_pos
7B0D LD HL,$800F
7B10 LD BC,$0006
7B15 RET Jump to the stacked destination address
Item actions jump table.
item_actions_jump_table 7B16 DEFW action_wiresnips
7B18 DEFW action_shovel
7B1A DEFW action_lockpick
7B1C DEFW action_papers
7B1E DEFW check_for_pick_up_keypress_exit Return
7B20 DEFW action_bribe
7B22 DEFW action_uniform
7B24 DEFW check_for_pick_up_keypress_exit Return
7B26 DEFW action_poison
7B28 DEFW action_red_key
7B2A DEFW action_yellow_key
7B2C DEFW action_green_key
7B2E DEFW action_red_cross_parcel
7B30 DEFW check_for_pick_up_keypress_exit Return
7B32 DEFW check_for_pick_up_keypress_exit Return
7B34 DEFW check_for_pick_up_keypress_exit Return
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