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B387: Action: Red cross parcel
This handles the hero opening the red cross parcel.
action_red_cross_parcel B387 LD A,$3F Clear the red cross parcel item's room field
B389 LD ($771D),A
B38C LD HL,$8215 Point HL at items_held
We've arrived here from a 'use' command, so one or the other item must be the red cross parcel.
B38F LD A,$0C Is the first item the red cross parcel? (item_RED_CROSS_PARCEL)
B391 CP (HL)
B392 JR Z,action_red_cross_parcel_0 Jump if so
B394 INC HL Advance if not
HL now points to the held item.
action_red_cross_parcel_0 B395 LD (HL),$FF Remove parcel from the inventory
B397 CALL draw_all_items Draw held items
B39A LD A,($A263) Fetch the value of the parcel's current contents
B39D CALL drop_item_tail Pass that into "drop item, tail part"
B3A0 LD B,$0C Queue the message "YOU OPEN THE BOX"
B3A2 CALL queue_message
B3A5 JP increase_morale_by_10_score_by_50 Increase morale by 10, score by 50 and exit via
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