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B3C4: Action: Poison
This handles the hero poisoning the food.
action_poison B3C4 LD HL,($8215) Load both held items
B3C7 LD A,$07 Prepare item_FOOD
B3C9 CP L Is the first item item_FOOD?
B3CA JR Z,have_food Jump to have_food if so
B3CC CP H Is the second item item_FOOD?
B3CD RET NZ Return if not
have_food B3CE LD HL,$76F9 Point HL at item_structs[item_FOOD].item
B3D1 BIT 5,(HL) Is bit 5 set? (itemstruct_ITEM_FLAG_POISONED)
B3D3 RET NZ Return if so - the food is already poisoned
B3D4 SET 5,(HL) Set bit 5
B3D6 LD A,$43 Set the screen attribute for the food item to bright-purple over black
B3D8 LD ($DD70),A
B3DB CALL draw_all_items Draw held items
B3DE JP increase_morale_by_10_score_by_50 Increase morale by 10, score by 50 and exit via
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