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B29F: Interior bounds check
This checks that the character is inside of bounds, when indoors.
Used by the routine at bounds_check.
IY Pointer to visible character.
F Z clear if boundary hit, set otherwise.
interior_bounds_check B29F LD A,($81BE) Fetch index into room dimensions (roomdef_bounds_index)
Point BC at roomdef_dimensions[roomdef_bounds_index]
B2A2 ADD A,A Multiply index by the size of a bounds (4)
B2A4 LD BC,$6B85 Point BC at roomdef_dimensions[0]
B2A7 ADD A,C Combine BC with the scaled index
B2A9 JR NC,interior_bounds_check_0
Check X axis
Note that the room dimensions are given in an unusual order: x1, x0, y1, y0.
interior_bounds_check_0 B2AC LD HL,$81A4 Point HL at saved_pos
B2AF LD A,(BC) Fetch bounds.x1
B2B0 CP (HL) Compare bounds.x1 with saved_pos_x
B2B1 JR C,stop If bounds.x1 < saved_pos_x jump to 'stop'
B2B3 INC BC Fetch bounds.x0
B2B4 LD A,(BC)
B2B5 ADD A,$04 Add 4
B2B7 CP (HL) Compare (bounds.x0 + 4) with saved_pos_x
B2B8 JR NC,stop If (bounds.x0 + 4) >= saved_pos_x jump to 'stop'
B2BA INC HL Advance HL to saved_pos_y
Bug: The next instruction is stray code. DE is incremented but never used.
B2BC INC DE (bug)
Check Y axis
B2BD INC BC Point BC at bounds.y1
B2BE LD A,(BC) Fetch bounds.y1
B2BF SUB $04 Subtract 4
B2C1 CP (HL) Compare (bounds.y1 - 4) with saved_pos_y
B2C2 JR C,stop If (bounds.y1 - 4) < saved_pos_y jump to 'stop'
B2C4 INC BC Point BC at bounds.y0
B2C5 LD A,(BC) Fetch bounds.y0
B2C6 CP (HL) Compare bounds.y0 with saved_pos_y
B2C7 JR NC,stop If bounds.y0 >= saved_pos_y jump to 'stop'
Bomb out if there are no bounds to consider.
B2C9 LD HL,$81BF Point HL at roomdef_object_bounds_count
B2CC LD B,(HL) Fetch the count of object bounds
B2CD LD A,B Move it to A so we can test it
B2CE AND A Is the count zero?
B2CF RET Z Return with Z set if so
B2D0 INC HL Step over to roomdef_object_bounds
Start loop (outer)
interior_bounds_check_1 B2D1 PUSH BC Preserve the loop counter
B2D2 PUSH HL Preserve the bounds pointer
B2D3 LD DE,$81A4 Point HL at saved_pos
B2D6 LD B,$02 2 iterations - once per axis
Start loop (inner)
interior_bounds_check_2 B2D8 LD A,(DE) Fetch saved_pos_x, or saved_pos_y on the second pass
B2D9 CP (HL) Is it less than the lower bound?
B2DA JR C,next Jump to the next iteration if so
B2DC INC HL Step to the upper bound
B2DD CP (HL) Is it greater or equal to the upper bound?
B2DE JR NC,next Jump to the next iteration if so
B2E0 INC DE Step to the next saved_pos axis
B2E2 INC HL Step to the next bound axis
B2E3 DJNZ interior_bounds_check_2 ...loop (inner)
B2E5 POP HL Restore the bounds pointer
B2E6 POP BC Restore the loop counter
Toggle movement direction preference.
stop B2E7 LD A,(IY+$07) Fetch IY->counter_and_flags
B2EA XOR $20 Toggle vischar_BYTE7_Y_DOMINANT
B2EC LD (IY+$07),A Store IY->counter_and_flags
B2EF OR $01 Clear Z flag
B2F1 RET Return with Z clear
Next iteration.
next B2F2 POP HL Restore the bounds pointer
B2F3 LD DE,$0004 Advance to next bound
B2F7 POP BC Restore the loop counter
B2F8 DJNZ interior_bounds_check_1 ...loop (outer)
Not found.
B2FA AND B B is zero, AND it with itself to set Z flag
B2FB RET Return with Z set
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