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A491: Hero sit/sleep (common)
This is the common end of the above two routines. It sets the appropriate breakfast/bed flag, halts the hero, sets his position to (0,0), recalculates his isometric position then re-plots the room.
Used by the routine at hero_sits.
HL Pointer to hero_in_breakfast or hero_in_bed flag.
hero_sit_sleep_common A491 LD (HL),$FF Set the sit/sleep flag, whichever it was
A493 XOR A Stand still - set the hero's route to route_HALT ($00)
A494 LD HL,$8002
A497 LD (HL),A
Set hero position (x,y) to zero.
A498 LD HL,$800F Zero $800F.$8012
A49B LD B,$04
hero_sit_sleep_common_0 A49D LD (HL),A
A49F DJNZ hero_sit_sleep_common_0
A4A1 LD HL,$8000 Reset the hero's screen position
A4A4 CALL calc_vischar_iso_pos_from_vischar
A4A7 JR select_room_and_plot Exit via select_room_and_plot
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