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FE7E: Input routine: Kempston
This is the Kempston joystick input routine. Reading port $1F yields a byte of format 000FUDLR, where the bits are active high.
A Input value (as per enum input).
inputroutine_kempston FE7E LD BC,$001F Load BC with port number $1F
FE81 IN A,(C) Read that port. We'll receive 000FUDLR
FE83 LD BC,$0000 Clear our {...} variables
FE86 RRA Rotate 'R' out: R000FUDL
FE87 JR NC,inputroutine_kempston_0 If carry was set then right was pressed, otherwise skip
FE89 LD B,$06 left_right = input_RIGHT
inputroutine_kempston_0 FE8B RRA Rotate 'L' out: LR000FUD
FE8C JR NC,inputroutine_kempston_1 If carry was set then left was pressed, otherwise skip
FE8E LD B,$03 left_right = input_LEFT
inputroutine_kempston_1 FE90 RRA Rotate 'D' out: DLR000FU
FE91 JR NC,inputroutine_kempston_2 If carry was set then down was pressed, otherwise skip
FE93 LD C,$02 up_down = input_DOWN
inputroutine_kempston_2 FE95 RRA Rotate 'U' out: UDLR000F
FE96 JR NC,inputroutine_kempston_3 If carry was set then up was pressed, otherwise skip
FE98 LD C,$01 up_down = input_UP
inputroutine_kempston_3 FE9A RRA Rotate 'F' out: FUDLR000
FE9B LD A,$09 fire = input_FIRE
FE9D JR C,inputroutine_kempston_4 If fire bit was set then jump forward
FE9F XOR A fire = 0
inputroutine_kempston_4 FEA0 ADD A,B Combine the fire, up_down and left_right values
FEA2 RET Return
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