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CCFB: Is item discoverable (interior)
This searches through item_structs for items which have been moved away from their default room. The red cross parcel is ignored.
Used by the routines at move_a_character and is_item_discoverable.
A Room index to check against
C Item (if found)
F Z set if found, Z clear otherwise
is_item_discoverable_interior CCFB LD C,A Save the room index in C
CCFC LD HL,$76C9 Point HL at the first item_struct's room member
CCFF LD B,$10 Set B for 16 iterations (item__LIMIT)
Start loop
iidi_loop CD01 LD A,(HL) Load the room index and flags
CD02 AND $3F Extract the room index
Is the item in the specified room?
CD04 CP C Same room?
CD05 JR NZ,iidi_next Jump if not
CD07 PUSH HL Preserve the item_struct pointer
Has the item been moved to a room other than its default?
Bug: room_and_flags doesn't get its flags masked off in the following sequence. However, the only default_item which uses the flags is the wiresnips. The DOS version of the game fixes this.
CD08 DEC HL Fetch item_and_flags
CD09 LD A,(HL)
CD0A AND $0F Mask off the item
CD0C LD E,A Multiply by three - the array stride
CD0F LD E,A Widen to 16-bit
CD10 LD D,$00
CD12 LD HL,$CD6A Add to default_item_locations
CD16 LD A,(HL) Fetch the default item room_and_flags
CD17 CP C Same room? (bug: not masked)
CD18 JR NZ,iidi_not_default_room Jump if not
CD1A POP HL Restore the item_struct pointer
iidi_next CD1B LD DE,$0007 Step HL to the next item_struct
CD1F DJNZ iidi_loop ...loop
CD21 RET Return with NZ set (not found)
iidi_not_default_room CD22 POP HL Restore the item_struct pointer
CD23 DEC HL Fetch item_and_flags
CD24 LD A,(HL)
CD25 AND $0F Mask off the item
Ignore the red cross parcel.
CD27 CP $0C Is this item the red cross parcel? (item_RED_CROSS_PARCEL)
CD29 JR NZ,iidi_found Jump if not
CD2B INC HL Otherwise advance HL to room_and_flags
CD2C JR iidi_next Jump to the next iteration
iidi_found CD2E LD C,A Return the item's index in C
CD2F XOR A Return with Z set (found)
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