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CB61: Handle target
This is the "didn't hit end of list" case from get_target_assign_pos. It's not really a routine in its own right.
Used by the routine at get_target_assign_pos.
handle_target CB61 CP $80 Was the result of get_target get_target_DOOR? ($80)
CB63 JP NZ,handle_target_0 Jump if not
CB66 SET 6,(IY+$01) Set vischar.flags flag vischar_FLAGS_TARGET_IS_DOOR
handle_target_0 CB6A POP DE Restore the route pointer
CB6B INC E Copy HL (ptr to doorpos or location) to vischar->target
CB6D LD BC,$0002
CB72 LD A,$80 (This return value is never used)
CB74 RET Return
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