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C918: Character behaviour
This handles the various different pursuit modes that vischars can be in (pursuing the hero, a dog moving towards food, etc.) and drives character movement.
Used by the routines at spawn_character and automatics.
IY Pointer to visible character.
Proceed into the character behaviour handling only when this delay field hits zero. This stops characters navigating around obstacles too quickly.
character_behaviour C918 LD A,(IY+$07) Fetch vischar.counter_and_flags
C91B LD B,A Copy it to B
If the counter field is set then decrement it and return.
C91C AND $0F Isolate the counter field in the bottom nibble
C91E JR Z,cb_proceed Decrement the counter if it's positive
C920 DEC B
C921 LD (IY+$07),B
C924 RET Return
We arrive here when the counter is zero.
cb_proceed C925 PUSH IY Copy the vischar pointer into HL
C928 INC L Advance HL to vischar.flags
C929 LD A,(HL) Fetch the flags so we can check the mode field
C92A AND A Are any flag bits set?
C92B JP Z,cb_check_halt Jump if not
Check for mode 1 ("pursue")
C92E CP $01 Is the mode vischar_PURSUIT_PURSUE?
C930 JR NZ,cb_hassle_check Jump if not
Mode 1: Hero is chased by hostiles and sent to solitary if caught.
cb_pursue_hero C932 PUSH HL Preserve vischar.flags pointer
C933 EXX Bank
C934 POP DE Restore vischar.flags pointer
C935 INC E Advance DE to vischar.position
C936 INC E
C937 INC E
C938 LD HL,$81B8 Point HL at the global map position (the hero's position)
C93B LDI Copy hero's (x,y) position to
C93F EXX Unbank
C940 JP cb_move Jump to 'move'
Check for mode 2 ("hassle")
cb_hassle_check C943 CP $02 Is the mode vischar_PURSUIT_HASSLE?
C945 JR NZ,cb_dog_food_check Jump if not
Mode 2: Hero is chased by hostiles if under player control.
C947 LD A,($A139) Is the automatic_player_counter non-zero?
The hero is under player control: pursue.
C94B JR NZ,cb_pursue_hero Jump into mode 1's pursue handler
Otherwise the hero is under automatic control: hostiles lose interest and resume their original route.
C94D LD (HL),$00 Clear vischar.flags
C950 JP get_target_assign_pos Exit via get_target_assign_pos
Check for mode 3 ("dog food")
cb_dog_food_check C953 CP $03 Is the mode vischar_PURSUIT_DOG_FOOD?
C955 JR NZ,cb_saw_bribe_check Jump if not
Mode 3: The food item is near a guard dog.
C957 PUSH HL Preserve vischar.flags pointer
C958 EX DE,HL (get it in DE)
C959 LD HL,$76FA Point HL at item_structs[item_FOOD].room
C95C BIT 7,(HL) Is itemstruct_ROOM_FLAG_NEARBY_7 set?
C95E JR Z,cb_dog_food_not_nearby Jump if not
Set the dog's target to the poisoned food location.
C960 INC HL Advance HL to item_structs[item_FOOD].pos.x
C961 LD A,E Point DE at
C962 ADD A,$03
C964 LD E,A
C965 LDI Copy (x,y)
C967 LDI
C969 POP HL Restore vischar.flags pointer
C96A JR cb_move Jump to 'move'
Nearby flag wasn't set.
cb_dog_food_not_nearby C96C XOR A Clear vischar.flags
C96D LD (DE),A
C96E EX DE,HL (get vischar.flags pointer in HL)
C96F INC L Set vischar.route.index to routeindex_255_WANDER ($FF)
C970 LD (HL),$FF
C972 INC L Set vischar.route.step to zero -- wander from 0..7
C973 LD (HL),$00
C975 POP HL Restore vischar.flags pointer
C976 JP get_target_assign_pos Exit via get_target_assign_pos
Check for mode 4 ("saw bribe")
cb_saw_bribe_check C979 CP $04 Is the mode vischar_PURSUIT_SAW_BRIBE?
C97B JR NZ,cb_check_halt Jump if not
Mode 4: Hostile character witnessed a bribe being given (in accept_bribe).
C97D PUSH HL Preserve vischar.flags pointer
C97E LD A,($AF8E) Get the global bribed character
C981 CP $FF Is it character_NONE? ($FF)
C983 JR Z,cb_bribe_not_found Jump if so
C985 LD C,A Copy the bribed character to C
Iterate over non-player characters.
C986 LD B,$07 Set B for seven iterations
C988 LD HL,$8020 Point HL at the second visible character
Start loop
cb_bribe_loop C98B LD A,C Copy bribed character to A
C98C CP (HL) Is this vischar the bribed character?
C98D JR Z,cb_bribed_visible Jump if so
C98F LD A,$20 Step HL to the next vischar
C991 ADD A,L
C992 LD L,A
C993 DJNZ cb_bribe_loop ...loop
cb_bribe_not_found C995 POP HL Restore vischar.flags pointer
Bribed character was not visible: hostiles lose interest and resume following their original route.
C996 LD (HL),$00 Clear vischar.flags
C998 INC L
C999 JP get_target_assign_pos Exit via get_target_assign_pos
Found the bribed character in vischars: hostiles target him.
cb_bribed_visible C99C LD A,$0F Advance HL to vischar.mi.pos
C9A0 POP DE Get the vischar pointer
C9A2 LD A,E Point DE at
C9A3 ADD A,$03
C9A6 LD A,($68A0) Get the global current room index
C9A9 AND A Is it zero?
C9AA JP NZ,cb_bribed_indoors Jump if not
C9AD CALL pos_to_tinypos Scale down the bribed character's position to this vischar's target field
C9B0 JR cb_bribed_done (else)
cb_bribed_indoors C9B2 LDI Scale down the bribed character's position to this vischar's target field
cb_bribed_done C9B7 POP HL Restore the vischar pointer
C9B8 JR cb_move Jump to 'move'
cb_check_halt C9BA INC L Advance HL to vischar.route.index
C9BB LD A,(HL) Fetch it
C9BC DEC L Step back
C9BD AND A Is it routeindex_0_HALT? ($00)
C9BE JR Z,cb_set_input Jump if so (set input)
cb_move C9C0 LD A,(HL) Get vischar.flags
C9C1 EXX Bank
C9C2 LD C,A C = flags
Select a scaling routine.
C9C3 LD A,($68A0) Get the global current room index
C9C6 AND A Is it outdoors? (zero)
C9C7 JR Z,cb_scaling_door Jump if so
cb_scaling_indoors C9C9 LD HL,$CB75 Point HL at multiply_by_1
C9CC JR cb_self_modify (else)
cb_scaling_door C9CE BIT 6,C Is vischar.flags vischar_FLAGS_TARGET_IS_DOOR set?
C9D0 JR Z,cb_scaling_outdoors Jump if not
C9D2 LD HL,$B295 Point HL at multiply_by_4
C9D5 JR cb_self_modify (else)
cb_scaling_outdoors C9D7 LD HL,$B1C7 Point HL at multiply_by_8
Self modify vischar_move_x/y routines.
cb_self_modify C9DA LD ($CA13),HL Self-modify vischar_move_x
C9DD LD ($CA4B),HL Self-modify vischar_move_y
C9E0 EXX Unbank
If the vischar_BYTE7_Y_DOMINANT flag is set then cb_move_y_dominant is used instead of the code below, which is x dominant. i.e. It means "try moving y then x, rather than x then y". This is the code which makes characters alternate left/right when navigating.
C9E1 BIT 5,(IY+$07) Does the vischar's counter_and_flags field have flag vischar_BYTE7_Y_DOMINANT set? ($20)
C9E5 JR NZ,cb_move_y_dominant Jump if so
cb_move_x_dominant C9E7 INC L Advance HL to vischar.position.x
C9EA CALL vischar_move_x Call vischar_move_x
C9ED JR NZ,cb_set_input If it couldn't move call vischar_move_y
C9EF CALL vischar_move_y
C9F2 JP Z,target_reached If it still couldn't move exit via target_reached
This entry point is used by the routine at target_reached.
cb_set_input C9F5 CP (IY+$0D) Is our new input different from the vischar's existing input?
C9F8 RET Z Return if not
C9F9 OR $80 Otherwise set the input_KICK flag
C9FB LD (IY+$0D),A
C9FE RET Return
cb_move_y_dominant C9FF LD A,$04 Advance HL to vischar.position.y
CA03 CALL vischar_move_y Call vischar_move_y
CA06 JR NZ,cb_set_input If it couldn't move call vischar_move_x
CA08 CALL vischar_move_x
CA0B JR NZ,cb_set_input If it could move, jump to cb_set_input
CA0D DEC L Rewind HL to vischar.position.x
CA0E JP target_reached Exit via target_reached
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