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C651: Get target
This returns the coordinates the character should move to, given a route_t pointer in HL. Coordinates are returned as a tinypos_t when moving to a door or as an xy_t when moving to a numbered location.
If the route specifies 'wander' then one of eight random locations starting from route.step is chosen.
HL Pointer to route.
A 0/128/255 => Target is a location / a door / the route ended.
HL If the target is a location a pointer into locations[]; if a door a pointer into doors[] (returned as door.pos).
get_target C651 LD A,(HL) Get the route index
C652 CP $FF Is it routeindex_255_WANDER? ($FF)
C654 JR NZ,gt_not_halt Jump if not
Wander around randomly.
Uses route.step + rand(0..7) to index locations[].
gt_wander C656 INC HL Clear the bottom three bits of route.step
C657 LD A,(HL)
C658 AND $F8
C65A LD (HL),A
C65B CALL random_nibble Get a pseudo-random number in A
C65E AND $07 Make it 0..7
C660 ADD A,(HL) Add the random value to route.step
C661 LD (HL),A
C662 JR gt_pick_loc Jump
gt_not_halt C664 PUSH HL Preserve the route pointer
C665 INC HL Load route.step
C666 LD C,(HL)
Control can arrive here with route.index set to zero. This happens when the hero stands up during breakfast, is pursued by guards, then when left to idle sits down and the pursuing guards resume their original positions. get_route() will return in that case a zero pointer so it starts fetching from $0001. In the Spectrum ROM location $0001 holds XOR A ($AF).
C667 CALL get_route Get the route for A in DE
Since all of the routes are packed togther, this relies on being able to fetch the previous route's terminator.
C66A LD H,$00 High byte is set to zero unless... route.step is $FF when it's set to $FF
C66F JR NZ,get_target_0
C671 DEC H
get_target_0 C672 LD L,A HL = -1, or route.step
C673 ADD HL,DE Point DE at the next route byte
C675 LD A,(DE) Read a byte of route
C676 CP $FF Is it routebyte_END? ($FF)
C678 POP HL Irrespectively restore HL
C679 JR Z,gt_route_ends Jump if so
C67B AND $7F Clear its door_REVERSE flag ($80)
C67D CP $28 Is it a door index?
C67F JR NC,gt_location Jump if not
Route byte < 40: A door.
gt_door C681 LD A,(DE) Re-read routebyte to get the reversed flag
C682 BIT 7,(HL) Reversed?
C684 JR Z,get_target_1 Jump if not
C686 XOR $80 Toggle reverse flag
get_target_1 C688 CALL get_door Turn the door index into a door_t pointer (in HL)
C68B INC HL Advance HL to point at door.pos
C68C LD A,$80 Return with A set to 128
Route byte = 40..117: A location index.
gt_location C68F LD A,(DE) The location index is offset by 40
C690 SUB $28
gt_pick_loc C692 ADD A,A Point HL at location[A]
C693 LD HL,$783A
C696 ADD A,L
C697 LD L,A
C698 JR NC,get_target_2
get_target_2 C69B XOR A Return with A set to zero
gt_route_ends C69D LD A,$FF Return with A set to 255
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