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B4B8: Action: Key
This is the common end of the previous three routines.
Used by the routines at action_red_key and action_yellow_key.
A Room number to which the key applies.
action_key B4B8 PUSH AF Preserve the room number while we get the nearest door
B4B9 CALL get_nearest_door Return the nearest door in range of the hero in HL
B4BC POP BC Restore the room number
B4BD RET NZ Return if no door was nearby
B4BE LD A,(HL) Fetch door index + flag
B4BF AND $7F Mask off door_LOCKED flag to get door index alone
B4C1 CP B Are they equal?
B4C2 LD B,$07 Set B to message_INCORRECT_KEY irrespectively
B4C4 JR NZ,action_key_0 Jump if not equal
B4C6 RES 7,(HL) Unlock the door by resetting door_LOCKED ($80)
B4C8 CALL increase_morale_by_10_score_by_50 Increase morale by 10, score by 50
B4CB LD B,$06 Set B to message_IT_IS_OPEN
action_key_0 B4CD JP queue_message Queue the message identified by B
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