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A8CF: Plot rightmost tiles
This plots the complete rightmost column of tiles.
Used by the routines at shunt_map_left and shunt_map_down_left.
plot_rightmost_tiles A8CF LD DE,$F10F Point DE at the 24x17 visible tiles array ("tile_buf") rightmost column [+23]
A8D2 EXX Bank
A8D3 LD HL,$FF5E Point HL' at the 7x5 supertile indices buffer ("map_buf") rightmost supertile [+6]
A8D6 LD DE,$F2A7 Point DE' at the 24x17x8 screen buffer ("window_buf") rightmost column [+23]
A8D9 LD A,($81BB) Compute the column offset by ANDing the map's X position with 3
A8DC AND $03
A8DE JR NZ,plot_rightmost_tiles_0 If column offset is zero - use the previous supertile CHECK
plot_rightmost_tiles_0 A8E1 LD A,($81BB) Get the map's X coordinate
A8E4 DEC A Decrement it
A8E5 JR plot_vertical_tiles_common Jump to plot_vertical_tiles_common
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