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A35F: Set prisoners and guards route (variant "A")
This sets individual routes for all characters in prisoners_and_guards.
The route passed in (A',C) is assigned to the first character. The second character gets route (A'+1,C) and so on.
Used by the routine at go_to_roll_call.
A' Route index.
C Route step.
set_prisoners_and_guards_route A35F LD HL,$A27F Point HL at prisoners_and_guards table of character indices
A362 LD B,$0A Iterate over the ten entries
Start loop
set_prisoners_and_guards_route_0 A364 PUSH HL Save
A365 PUSH BC Save
A366 LD A,(HL) Fetch the character index
A367 CALL set_character_route Set the route for the character
A36A EX AF,AF' Increment the route index
A36D POP BC Restore
A36E POP HL Restore
A36F INC HL Advance to the next character
A370 DJNZ set_prisoners_and_guards_route_0 ...loop
A372 RET Return
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