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A228: Event: New red cross parcel
This selects the next red cross parcel, spawns it, if required, then queues the mesage "RED CROSS PARCEL".
Don't deliver a new red cross parcel while the previous one still exists.
event_new_red_cross_parcel A228 LD A,($771D) Fetch the red cross parcel's room (and flags)
A22B AND $3F Mask off the room part
A22D CP $3F Is it $3F? (i.e. room_NONE ($FF) masked)
A22F RET NZ Return if not
Select the contents of the next parcel; choosing the first item from the list which does not already exist.
A230 LD DE,$A25F Point DE at the red cross parcel contents list
A233 LD B,$04 There are four entries in the list
Start loop
event_new_red_cross_parcel_0 A235 LD A,(DE) Fetch item number
A236 CALL item_to_itemstruct Turn it into an itemstruct
A239 INC HL Get its room and mask it
A23A LD A,(HL)
A23B AND $3F
A23D CP $3F Is it $3F? (i.e. room_NONE ($FF) masked)
A23F JR Z,parcel_found Jump to parcel_found if so
A242 DJNZ event_new_red_cross_parcel_0 ...loop while (...)
A244 RET Return - a parcel could not be spawned
parcel_found A245 LD A,(DE) Set red_cross_parcel_current_contents to the item number
A246 LD ($A263),A
A249 LD DE,$771D Copy the red cross parcel reset data over the red cross parcel itemstruct
A24C LD HL,$A259
A24F LD BC,$0006
A254 LD B,$09 Queue the message "RED CROSS PARCEL" and exit via
A256 JP queue_message
Red cross parcel reset data.
red_cross_parcel_reset_data A259 DEFB $14 Room: room_20_REDCROSS
A25A DEFB $2C,$2C,$0C TinyPos: (44, 44, 12)
A25D DEFB $80,$F4 Coord: (128, 244)
Red cross parcel contents list.
red_cross_parcel_contents_list A25F DEFB $0E item_PURSE
A260 DEFB $00 item_WIRESNIPS
A261 DEFB $05 item_BRIBE
A262 DEFB $0F item_COMPASS
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