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F335: Wipe game window
This wipes the area of the screen where the game window is plotted.
Used by the routine at choose_keys.
wipe_game_window F335 DI Disable interrupts
This uses the optimisation trick of popping addresses from the stack.
F336 LD ($EDD1),SP Save the stack pointer
F33A LD SP,$EDD3 Point the stack pointer at game_window_start_addresses
F33D LD A,$80 Set A for 128 iterations (128 rows)
Start loop
wipe_game_window_0 F33F POP HL Pull a start address from the stack
F340 LD B,$17 Set B for 23 iterations (23 bytes)
Start loop
wipe_game_window_1 F342 LD (HL),$00 Write an empty byte
F344 INC L Advance (note cheap increment)
F345 DJNZ wipe_game_window_1 ...loop
F347 DEC A ...loop
F348 JP NZ,wipe_game_window_0
F34B LD SP,($EDD1) Restore the stack pointer
F34F RET Return
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