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C892: Automatics
Drives automatic behaviour for NPCs and the hero when the player idles. Causes characters to follow the hero if he's being suspicious. Also: Food item discovery.
Used by the routine at main_loop.
automatics C892 XOR A Clear the 'character index is valid' flag
C893 LD ($A13E),A
Hostiles pursue if the bell is not ringing.
C896 LD A,($A130) Read the bell ring counter/flag
C89A CALL Z,hostiles_pursue Call (hostiles pursue prisoners) if so
If food was dropped then count down until it is discovered.
C89D LD HL,$C891 Point HL at food_discovered_counter
C8A0 LD A,(HL) Fetch the counter
C8A1 AND A Is it zero?
C8A2 JR Z,auto_react Jump if so (it already hit zero)
C8A4 DEC (HL) Otherwise decrement it
C8A5 JR NZ,auto_react Jump if it's not zero
De-poison the food.
C8A7 LD HL,$76F9 Point HL at item_structs[item_FOOD].item
C8AA RES 5,(HL) Clear its itemstruct_ITEM_FLAG_POISONED flag
C8AC LD C,$07 Set C to item_FOOD
C8AE CALL item_discovered Cause item C to be discovered
Make supporting characters react.
auto_react C8B1 LD IY,$8020 Point HL at the second visible character
C8B5 LD B,$07 Set B for seven iterations
Start loop
auto_react_loop C8B7 PUSH BC Preserve the loop counter
C8B8 LD A,(IY+$01) Load vischar.flags
C8BB CP $FF Is it an empty slot?
C8BD JP Z,auto_next Jump if so
C8C0 LD A,(IY+$00) Load vischar.character
C8C3 AND $1F Mask with vischar_CHARACTER_MASK to get character index
C8C5 CP $14 Is it a hostile character? (character_19_GUARD_DOG_4 or below)
C8C7 JP NC,auto_behaviour Jump if not
Characters 0..19.
C8CA PUSH AF Preserve the character index
C8CB CALL is_item_discoverable Is the item discoverable?
C8CE LD A,($A138) Is red_flag set?
C8D2 JR NZ,auto_follow Jump if so
C8D4 LD A,($A139) Is automatic_player_counter non-zero?
auto_follow C8D8 CALL NZ,guards_follow_suspicious_character Call (guards follow suspicious character) if so
C8DB POP AF Restore character index
Guard dogs 1..4 (characters 16..19).
C8DC CP $0F Is this character a guard dog?
C8DE JP Z,auto_behaviour Jump if not
C8E1 JP C,auto_behaviour
Dog handling: Is the food nearby?
C8E4 PUSH IY Copy global vischar pointer to HL
C8E7 INC L Point HL at vischar.flags
C8E8 LD A,($76FA) Fetch item_structs[item_FOOD].room
C8EB BIT 7,A Test for itemstruct_ROOM_FLAG_NEARBY_7
C8ED JR Z,auto_behaviour Jump if clear
C8EF LD (HL),$03 Set vischar.flags to vischar_PURSUIT_DOG_FOOD
auto_behaviour C8F1 CALL character_behaviour Call (character behaviour)
auto_next C8F4 POP BC Restore the loop counter
C8F5 LD DE,$0020 Advance to the next vischar
C8FA DEC B ...loop
C8FB JP NZ,auto_react_loop
Inhibit hero automatic behaviour when the flag is red, or otherwise inhibited.
C8FE LD A,($A138) Is red_flag set?
C901 AND A
Bug: Pointless JP NZ (jumps to a RET where a RET NZ would suffice).
C902 JP NZ,auto_return Jump (return) if so
C905 LD A,($A13A) Is in_solitary set?
C908 AND A
C909 JR NZ,auto_run_cb Jump if so
C90B LD A,($A139) Is automatic_player_counter non-zero?
C90F RET NZ Return if so
Otherwise run character behaviour
auto_run_cb C910 LD IY,$8000 Point IY at the hero's vischar
C914 CALL character_behaviour Run character behaviour
auto_return C917 RET Return
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