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A1D3: Event: Another day dawns
This queues the "ANOTHER DAY DAWNS" message, decreases morale by 25, clears the night-time flag, then sets the game window attributes back to daylight colours.
event_another_day_dawns A1D3 LD B,$13 Queue the message "ANOTHER DAY DAWNS"
A1D5 CALL queue_message
A1D8 LD B,$19 Decrease morale by 25
A1DA CALL decrease_morale
A1DD XOR A Clear the night time flag
This entry point is used by the routine at event_night_time.
set_attrs A1DE LD ($A146),A Set the night-time flag to A
A1E1 CALL choose_game_window_attributes Choose game window attributes
A1E4 JP set_game_window_attributes Exit via set_game_window_attributes
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