The routine which empties beds writes to ROM
The routine wake_up, which empties beds, has seven iterations but iterates over a list which is only six items long. The final write performs a write to ROM location $1A42.
Off-by-one in is_item_discoverable
The routine is_item_discoverable, which searches for items dropped nearby, decrements HL when it finds a nearby item. However, it doesn't restore it when it resumes iterating, meaning that subsequent iterations will search the wrong structure member.
Spotlight attributes go into border
Sometimes the nighttime spotlight will set the attributes of the barbed wire game screen border.
I've not yet located the faulty code.
Pause doesn't always clear the screen
Pause doesn't always clear the full game screen. You may see a two-row high sliver of pixels left behind.
I've not yet located the faulty code.
Hero goes nuts in solitary
Sometimes out hero will go nuts when put in solitary. He'll run up against the topmost corner of the room and keep running, moving left-right all the while.
I've not yet located the faulty code.
You can bribe boilers and crates
"If you try and bribe a prisoner with the chocolate when you are in the lower of the 3 prisoner huts, he will walk towards you and as he does he will flash alternately as himself and a boiler." (zx1)
Similarly (or possibly the exact same case): you can bribe boilers and crates. They will change into characters and start walking around.
More bugs mentioned on World of Spectrum forums
The original thread is here.
"When the hero then moves through the fence automatically after cutting the wire, he can go garbled momentarily." (Bandit)
"I got the lockpick and went to the solitary cell and picked the lock, i left an object in the cell (the radio) just to see what would happen. I was caught later somewhere i shouldn't and was sent to solitary. When the Commandant came to collect me he just stopped when he entered the room and everything stopped, obviously the programmers never thought anyone would so this!" (zx1)
"the position of the moveable objects (stoves/crate) don't reset when starting a new game" (jp)
"a0b8: jp $a0bb ;unnecessary instruction ($a0bb follows)" (bandit)
"c902: jp nz, $c917 ;jump if red (unnecessary jump, ret nz enough)" (bandit)